Interface for associating a SAX event with a document
location. A locator object will return valid results only during
calls to DocumentHandler methods; at any other time, the
results are unpredictable.
SAX driver for the pyexpat C module.
Base for property holders
Base for all user-defined widgets. Keep as simple as possible. Does
not inherit from Shape so that we can rewrite shapes without breaking
widgets and vice versa.
Interface for reading an XML document using callbacks.
This interface adds three extra methods to the XMLReader
interface that allow XML parsers to support incremental
parsing. Support for this interface is optional, since not all
underlying XML parsers support this functionality.
SAX driver for the pyexpat C module.
Addin class to provide the horribleness of _drawTimeResize
A simple template for creating a new node. The user (Python
programmer) may subclasses this. provideNode() must be defined to
provide a Shape primitive when called by a renderer. It does
NOT inherit from Shape, as the renderer always replaces it, and
your own classes can safely inherit from it without getting
lots of unintended behaviour.
Base for all user-defined widgets. Keep as simple as possible. Does
not inherit from Shape so that we can rewrite shapes without breaking
widgets and vice versa.
A Node object describes a single node in a hierarchical clustering tree.
The integer attributes 'left' and 'right' represent the two members that
make up this node; the floating point attribute 'distance' contains the
distance between the two members of this node.
A Node object describes a single node in a hierarchical clustering tree.
The integer attributes 'left' and 'right' represent the two members that
make up this node; the floating point attribute 'distance' contains the
distance between the two members of this node.
Tree objects store a hierarchical clustering solution.
Individual nodes in the tree can be accessed with tree[i], where i is
an integer. Whereas the tree itself is a read-only object, tree[:]
returns a list of all the nodes, which can then be modified. To create
a new Tree from this list, use Tree(list).
See the description of the Node class for more information.
dict() -> new empty dictionary
dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
(key, value) pairs
dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
d = {}
for k, v in iterable:
d[k] = v
dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
in the keyword argument list.