Bio.trie: This module implements a trie data structure. This allows an O(M)
lookup of a string in a dictionary, where M is the length of the
string. It also supports approximate matches.
Bio.triefind: Given a trie, find all occurrences of a word in the trie in a string.
BioSQL: Storing and retrieve biological sequences in a BioSQL relational database.
BioSQL.BioSeq: Implementations of Biopython-like Seq objects on top of BioSQL.
BioSQL.BioSeqDatabase: Connect with a BioSQL database and load Biopython like objects from it.
BioSQL.DBUtils: Helper code for Biopython's BioSQL code (for internal use).
BioSQL.Loader: Load biopython objects into a BioSQL database for persistent storage.