Sequence objects

Biological sequences are arguably the central object in Bioinformatics, and in this chapter we’ll introduce the Biopython mechanism for dealing with sequences, the Seq object. Chapter Sequence annotation objects will introduce the related SeqRecord object, which combines the sequence information with any annotation, used again in Chapter Sequence Input/Output for Sequence Input/Output.

Sequences are essentially strings of letters like AGTACACTGGT, which seems very natural since this is the most common way that sequences are seen in biological file formats.

The most important difference between Seq objects and standard Python strings is they have different methods. Although the Seq object supports many of the same methods as a plain string, its translate() method differs by doing biological translation, and there are also additional biologically relevant methods like reverse_complement().

Sequences act like strings

In most ways, we can deal with Seq objects as if they were normal Python strings, for example getting the length, or iterating over the elements:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> my_seq = Seq("GATCG")
>>> for index, letter in enumerate(my_seq):
...     print("%i %s" % (index, letter))
0 G
1 A
2 T
3 C
4 G
>>> print(len(my_seq))

You can access elements of the sequence in the same way as for strings (but remember, Python counts from zero!):

>>> print(my_seq[0])  # first letter
>>> print(my_seq[2])  # third letter
>>> print(my_seq[-1])  # last letter

The Seq object has a .count() method, just like a string. Note that this means that like a Python string, this gives a non-overlapping count:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> "AAAA".count("AA")
>>> Seq("AAAA").count("AA")

For some biological uses, you may actually want an overlapping count (i.e. 3 in this trivial example). When searching for single letters, this makes no difference:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> len(my_seq)
>>> my_seq.count("G")
>>> 100 * (my_seq.count("G") + my_seq.count("C")) / len(my_seq)

While you could use the above snippet of code to calculate a GC%, note that the Bio.SeqUtils module has several GC functions already built. For example:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> from Bio.SeqUtils import gc_fraction
>>> gc_fraction(my_seq)

Note that using the Bio.SeqUtils.gc_fraction() function should automatically cope with mixed case sequences and the ambiguous nucleotide S which means G or C.

Also note that just like a normal Python string, the Seq object is in some ways “read-only”. If you need to edit your sequence, for example simulating a point mutation, look at the Section MutableSeq objects below which talks about the MutableSeq object.

Slicing a sequence

A more complicated example, let’s get a slice of the sequence:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> my_seq[4:12]

Note that ‘Seq‘ objects follow the usual indexing conventions for Python strings, with the first element of the sequence numbered 0. When you do a slice the first item is included (i.e. 4 in this case) and the last is excluded (12 in this case).

Also like a Python string, you can do slices with a start, stop and stride (the step size, which defaults to one). For example, we can get the first, second and third codon positions of this DNA sequence:

>>> my_seq[0::3]
>>> my_seq[1::3]
>>> my_seq[2::3]

Another stride trick you might have seen with a Python string is the use of a -1 stride to reverse the string. You can do this with a Seq object too:

>>> my_seq[::-1]

Turning Seq objects into strings

If you really do just need a plain string, for example to write to a file, or insert into a database, then this is very easy to get:

>>> str(my_seq)

Since calling str() on a Seq object returns the full sequence as a string, you often don’t actually have to do this conversion explicitly. Python does this automatically in the print function:

>>> print(my_seq)

You can also use the Seq object directly with a %s placeholder when using the Python string formatting or interpolation operator (%):

>>> fasta_format_string = ">Name\n%s\n" % my_seq
>>> print(fasta_format_string)

This line of code constructs a simple FASTA format record (without worrying about line wrapping). Section The format method describes a neat way to get a FASTA formatted string from a SeqRecord object, while the more general topic of reading and writing FASTA format sequence files is covered in Chapter Sequence Input/Output.

Concatenating or adding sequences

Two Seq objects can be concatenated by adding them:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> seq1 = Seq("ACGT")
>>> seq2 = Seq("AACCGG")
>>> seq1 + seq2

Biopython does not check the sequence contents and will not raise an exception if for example you concatenate a protein sequence and a DNA sequence (which is likely a mistake):

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> protein_seq = Seq("EVRNAK")
>>> dna_seq = Seq("ACGT")
>>> protein_seq + dna_seq

You may often have many sequences to add together, which can be done with a for loop like this:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> list_of_seqs = [Seq("ACGT"), Seq("AACC"), Seq("GGTT")]
>>> concatenated = Seq("")
>>> for s in list_of_seqs:
...     concatenated += s
>>> concatenated

Like Python strings, Biopython Seq also has a .join method:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> contigs = [Seq("ATG"), Seq("ATCCCG"), Seq("TTGCA")]
>>> spacer = Seq("N" * 10)
>>> spacer.join(contigs)

Changing case

Python strings have very useful upper and lower methods for changing the case. For example,

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> dna_seq = Seq("acgtACGT")
>>> dna_seq
>>> dna_seq.upper()
>>> dna_seq.lower()

These are useful for doing case insensitive matching:

>>> "GTAC" in dna_seq
>>> "GTAC" in dna_seq.upper()

Nucleotide sequences and (reverse) complements

For nucleotide sequences, you can easily obtain the complement or reverse complement of a Seq object using its built-in methods:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> my_seq
>>> my_seq.complement()
>>> my_seq.reverse_complement()

As mentioned earlier, an easy way to just reverse a Seq object (or a Python string) is slice it with -1 step:

>>> my_seq[::-1]

If you do accidentally end up trying to do something weird like taking the (reverse) complement of a protein sequence, the results are biologically meaningless:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> protein_seq = Seq("EVRNAK")
>>> protein_seq.complement()

Here the letter “E” is not a valid IUPAC ambiguity code for nucleotides, so was not complemented. However, “V” means “A”, “C” or “G” and has complement “B“, and so on.

The example in Section Converting a file of sequences to their reverse complements combines the Seq object’s reverse complement method with Bio.SeqIO for sequence input/output.


Before talking about transcription, I want to try to clarify the strand issue. Consider the following (made up) stretch of double stranded DNA which encodes a short peptide:

DNA coding strand (aka Crick strand, strand +1)5'ATGGCCATTGTAATGGGCCGCTGAAAGGGTGCCCGATAG3'|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||3'TACCGGTAACATTACCCGGCGACTTTCCCACGGGCTATC5'DNA template strand (aka Watson strand, strand 1)

Transcription of this DNA sequence produces the following RNA sequence:


The actual biological transcription process works from the template strand, doing a reverse complement (TCAG CUGA) to give the mRNA. However, in Biopython and bioinformatics in general, we typically work directly with the coding strand because this means we can get the mRNA sequence just by switching T U.

Now let’s actually get down to doing a transcription in Biopython. First, let’s create Seq objects for the coding and template DNA strands:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> coding_dna
>>> template_dna = coding_dna.reverse_complement()
>>> template_dna

These should match the figure above - remember by convention nucleotide sequences are normally read from the 5’ to 3’ direction, while in the figure the template strand is shown reversed.

Now let’s transcribe the coding strand into the corresponding mRNA, using the Seq object’s built-in transcribe method:

>>> coding_dna
>>> messenger_rna = coding_dna.transcribe()
>>> messenger_rna

As you can see, all this does is to replace T by U.

If you do want to do a true biological transcription starting with the template strand, then this becomes a two-step process:

>>> template_dna.reverse_complement().transcribe()

The Seq object also includes a back-transcription method for going from the mRNA to the coding strand of the DNA. Again, this is a simple U T substitution:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> messenger_rna
>>> messenger_rna.back_transcribe()

Note: The Seq object’s transcribe and back_transcribe methods were added in Biopython 1.49. For older releases you would have to use the Bio.Seq module’s functions instead, see Section Working with strings directly.


Sticking with the same example discussed in the transcription section above, now let’s translate this mRNA into the corresponding protein sequence - again taking advantage of one of the Seq object’s biological methods:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> messenger_rna
>>> messenger_rna.translate()

You can also translate directly from the coding strand DNA sequence:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> coding_dna
>>> coding_dna.translate()

You should notice in the above protein sequences that in addition to the end stop character, there is an internal stop as well. This was a deliberate choice of example, as it gives an excuse to talk about some optional arguments, including different translation tables (Genetic Codes).

The translation tables available in Biopython are based on those from the NCBI (see the next section of this tutorial). By default, translation will use the standard genetic code (NCBI table id 1). Suppose we are dealing with a mitochondrial sequence. We need to tell the translation function to use the relevant genetic code instead:

>>> coding_dna.translate(table="Vertebrate Mitochondrial")

You can also specify the table using the NCBI table number which is shorter, and often included in the feature annotation of GenBank files:

>>> coding_dna.translate(table=2)

Now, you may want to translate the nucleotides up to the first in frame stop codon, and then stop (as happens in nature):

>>> coding_dna.translate()
>>> coding_dna.translate(to_stop=True)
>>> coding_dna.translate(table=2)
>>> coding_dna.translate(table=2, to_stop=True)

Notice that when you use the to_stop argument, the stop codon itself is not translated - and the stop symbol is not included at the end of your protein sequence.

You can even specify the stop symbol if you don’t like the default asterisk:

>>> coding_dna.translate(table=2, stop_symbol="@")

Now, suppose you have a complete coding sequence CDS, which is to say a nucleotide sequence (e.g. mRNA – after any splicing) which is a whole number of codons (i.e. the length is a multiple of three), commences with a start codon, ends with a stop codon, and has no internal in-frame stop codons. In general, given a complete CDS, the default translate method will do what you want (perhaps with the to_stop option). However, what if your sequence uses a non-standard start codon? This happens a lot in bacteria – for example the gene yaaX in E. coli K12:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> gene = Seq(
... )
>>> gene.translate(table="Bacterial")
>>> gene.translate(table="Bacterial", to_stop=True)

In the bacterial genetic code GTG is a valid start codon, and while it does normally encode Valine, if used as a start codon it should be translated as methionine. This happens if you tell Biopython your sequence is a complete CDS:

>>> gene.translate(table="Bacterial", cds=True)

In addition to telling Biopython to translate an alternative start codon as methionine, using this option also makes sure your sequence really is a valid CDS (you’ll get an exception if not).

The example in Section Translating a FASTA file of CDS entries combines the Seq object’s translate method with Bio.SeqIO for sequence input/output.

Translation Tables

In the previous sections we talked about the Seq object translation method (and mentioned the equivalent function in the Bio.Seq module – see Section Working with strings directly). Internally these use codon table objects derived from the NCBI information at, also shown on in a much more readable layout.

As before, let’s just focus on two choices: the Standard translation table, and the translation table for Vertebrate Mitochondrial DNA.

>>> from Bio.Data import CodonTable
>>> standard_table = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_name["Standard"]
>>> mito_table = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_name["Vertebrate Mitochondrial"]

Alternatively, these tables are labeled with ID numbers 1 and 2, respectively:

>>> from Bio.Data import CodonTable
>>> standard_table = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_id[1]
>>> mito_table = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_id[2]

You can compare the actual tables visually by printing them:

>>> print(standard_table)
Table 1 Standard, SGC0

  |  T      |  C      |  A      |  G      |
T | TTT F   | TCT S   | TAT Y   | TGT C   | T
T | TTC F   | TCC S   | TAC Y   | TGC C   | C
T | TTA L   | TCA S   | TAA Stop| TGA Stop| A
T | TTG L(s)| TCG S   | TAG Stop| TGG W   | G
C | CTT L   | CCT P   | CAT H   | CGT R   | T
C | CTC L   | CCC P   | CAC H   | CGC R   | C
C | CTA L   | CCA P   | CAA Q   | CGA R   | A
C | CTG L(s)| CCG P   | CAG Q   | CGG R   | G
A | ATT I   | ACT T   | AAT N   | AGT S   | T
A | ATC I   | ACC T   | AAC N   | AGC S   | C
A | ATA I   | ACA T   | AAA K   | AGA R   | A
A | ATG M(s)| ACG T   | AAG K   | AGG R   | G
G | GTT V   | GCT A   | GAT D   | GGT G   | T
G | GTC V   | GCC A   | GAC D   | GGC G   | C
G | GTA V   | GCA A   | GAA E   | GGA G   | A
G | GTG V   | GCG A   | GAG E   | GGG G   | G


>>> print(mito_table)
Table 2 Vertebrate Mitochondrial, SGC1

  |  T      |  C      |  A      |  G      |
T | TTT F   | TCT S   | TAT Y   | TGT C   | T
T | TTC F   | TCC S   | TAC Y   | TGC C   | C
T | TTA L   | TCA S   | TAA Stop| TGA W   | A
T | TTG L   | TCG S   | TAG Stop| TGG W   | G
C | CTT L   | CCT P   | CAT H   | CGT R   | T
C | CTC L   | CCC P   | CAC H   | CGC R   | C
C | CTA L   | CCA P   | CAA Q   | CGA R   | A
C | CTG L   | CCG P   | CAG Q   | CGG R   | G
A | ATT I(s)| ACT T   | AAT N   | AGT S   | T
A | ATC I(s)| ACC T   | AAC N   | AGC S   | C
A | ATA M(s)| ACA T   | AAA K   | AGA Stop| A
A | ATG M(s)| ACG T   | AAG K   | AGG Stop| G
G | GTT V   | GCT A   | GAT D   | GGT G   | T
G | GTC V   | GCC A   | GAC D   | GGC G   | C
G | GTA V   | GCA A   | GAA E   | GGA G   | A
G | GTG V(s)| GCG A   | GAG E   | GGG G   | G

You may find these following properties useful – for example if you are trying to do your own gene finding:

>>> mito_table.stop_codons
['TAA', 'TAG', 'AGA', 'AGG']
>>> mito_table.start_codons
['ATT', 'ATC', 'ATA', 'ATG', 'GTG']
>>> mito_table.forward_table["ACG"]

Comparing Seq objects

Sequence comparison is actually a very complicated topic, and there is no easy way to decide if two sequences are equal. The basic problem is the meaning of the letters in a sequence are context dependent - the letter “A” could be part of a DNA, RNA or protein sequence. Biopython can track the molecule type, so comparing two Seq objects could mean considering this too.

Should a DNA fragment “ACG” and an RNA fragment “ACG” be equal? What about the peptide “ACG”? Or the Python string “ACG”? In everyday use, your sequences will generally all be the same type of (all DNA, all RNA, or all protein). Well, as of Biopython 1.65, sequence comparison only looks at the sequence and compares like the Python string.

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> seq1 = Seq("ACGT")
>>> "ACGT" == seq1
>>> seq1 == "ACGT"

As an extension to this, using sequence objects as keys in a Python dictionary is equivalent to using the sequence as a plain string for the key. See also Section Turning Seq objects into strings.

Sequences with unknown sequence contents

In some cases, the length of a sequence may be known but not the actual letters constituting it. For example, GenBank and EMBL files may represent a genomic DNA sequence only by its config information, without specifying the sequence contents explicitly. Such sequences can be represented by creating a Seq object with the argument None, followed by the sequence length:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> unknown_seq = Seq(None, 10)

The Seq object thus created has a well-defined length. Any attempt to access the sequence contents, however, will raise an UndefinedSequenceError:

>>> unknown_seq
Seq(None, length=10)
>>> len(unknown_seq)
>>> print(unknown_seq)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Bio.Seq.UndefinedSequenceError: Sequence content is undefined

Sequences with partially defined sequence contents

Sometimes the sequence contents is defined for parts of the sequence only, and undefined elsewhere. For example, the following excerpt of a MAF (Multiple Alignment Format) file shows an alignment of human, chimp, macaque, mouse, rat, dog, and opossum genome sequences:

s hg38.chr7     117512683 36 + 159345973 TTGAAAACCTGAATGTGAGAGTCAGTCAAGGATAGT
s panTro4.chr7  119000876 36 + 161824586 TTGAAAACCTGAATGTGAGAGTCACTCAAGGATAGT
s rheMac3.chr3  156330991 36 + 198365852 CTGAAATCCTGAATGTGAGAGTCAATCAAGGATGGT
s mm10.chr6      18207101 36 + 149736546 CTGAAAACCTAAGTAGGAGAATCAACTAAGGATAAT
s rn5.chr4       42326848 36 + 248343840 CTGAAAACCTAAGTAGGAGAGACAGTTAAAGATAAT
s canFam3.chr14  56325207 36 +  60966679 TTGAAAAACTGATTATTAGAGTCAATTAAGGATAGT
s monDom5.chr8  173163865 36 + 312544902 TTAAGAAACTGGAAATGAGGGTTGAATGACAAACTT

In each row, the first number indicates the starting position (in zero-based coordinates) of the aligned sequence on the chromosome, followed by the size of the aligned sequence, the strand, the size of the full chromosome, and the aligned sequence.

A Seq object representing such a partially defined sequence can be created using a dictionary for the data argument, where the keys are the starting coordinates of the known sequence segments, and the values are the corresponding sequence contents. For example, for the first sequence we would use

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> seq = Seq({117512683: "TTGAAAACCTGAATGTGAGAGTCAGTCAAGGATAGT"}, length=159345973)

Extracting a subsequence from a partially define sequence may return a fully defined sequence, an undefined sequence, or a partially defined sequence, depending on the coordinates:

>>> seq[1000:1020]
Seq(None, length=20)
>>> seq[117512690:117512700]
>>> seq[117512670:117512690]
Seq({13: 'TTGAAAA'}, length=20)
>>> seq[117512700:]
Seq({0: 'AGAGTCAGTCAAGGATAGT'}, length=41833273)

Partially defined sequences can also be created by appending sequences, if at least one of the sequences is partially or fully undefined:

>>> seq = Seq("ACGT")
>>> undefined_seq = Seq(None, length=10)
>>> seq + undefined_seq + seq
Seq({0: 'ACGT', 14: 'ACGT'}, length=18)

MutableSeq objects

Just like the normal Python string, the Seq object is “read only”, or in Python terminology, immutable. Apart from wanting the Seq object to act like a string, this is also a useful default since in many biological applications you want to ensure you are not changing your sequence data:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq

Observe what happens if you try to edit the sequence:

>>> my_seq[5] = "G"
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'Seq' object does not support item assignment

However, you can convert it into a mutable sequence (a MutableSeq object) and do pretty much anything you want with it:

>>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq
>>> mutable_seq = MutableSeq(my_seq)
>>> mutable_seq

Alternatively, you can create a MutableSeq object directly from a string:

>>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq

Either way will give you a sequence object which can be changed:

>>> mutable_seq
>>> mutable_seq[5] = "C"
>>> mutable_seq
>>> mutable_seq.remove("T")
>>> mutable_seq
>>> mutable_seq.reverse()
>>> mutable_seq

Note that the MutableSeq object’s reverse() method, like the reverse() method of a Python list, reverses the sequence in place.

An important technical difference between mutable and immutable objects in Python means that you can’t use a MutableSeq object as a dictionary key, but you can use a Python string or a Seq object in this way.

Once you have finished editing your a MutableSeq object, it’s easy to get back to a read-only Seq object should you need to:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> new_seq = Seq(mutable_seq)
>>> new_seq

You can also get a string from a MutableSeq object just like from a Seq object (Section Turning Seq objects into strings).

Finding subsequences

Sequence objects have find, rfind, index, and rindex methods that perform the same function as the corresponding methods on plain string objects. The only difference is that the subsequence can be a string (str), bytes, bytearray, Seq, or MutableSeq object:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq, MutableSeq
>>> seq.index("ATGGGCCGC")
>>> seq.index(b"ATGGGCCGC")
>>> seq.index(bytearray(b"ATGGGCCGC"))
>>> seq.index(Seq("ATGGGCCGC"))
>>> seq.index(MutableSeq("ATGGGCCGC"))

A ValueError is raised if the subsequence is not found:

>>> seq.index("ACTG")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ...

while the find method returns -1 if the subsequence is not found:

>>> seq.find("ACTG")

The methods rfind and rindex search for the subsequence starting from the right hand side of the sequence:

>>> seq.find("CC")
>>> seq.rfind("CC")

Use the search method to search for multiple subsequences at the same time. This method returns an iterator:

>>> for index, sub in["CC", "GGG", "CC"]):
...     print(index, sub)
1 CC
11 GGG
14 CC
23 GGG
28 CC
29 CC

The search method also takes plain strings, bytes, bytearray, Seq, and MutableSeq objects as subsequences; identical subsequences are reported only once, as in the example above.

Working with strings directly

To close this chapter, for those you who really don’t want to use the sequence objects (or who prefer a functional programming style to an object orientated one), there are module level functions in Bio.Seq will accept plain Python strings, Seq objects or MutableSeq objects:

>>> from Bio.Seq import reverse_complement, transcribe, back_transcribe, translate
>>> reverse_complement(my_string)
>>> transcribe(my_string)
>>> back_transcribe(my_string)
>>> translate(my_string)

You are, however, encouraged to work with Seq objects by default.