Bio.PDB.Structure module
The structure class, representing a macromolecular structure.
- class Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure(id)
]The Structure class contains a collection of Model instances.
- __init__(id)
Initialize the class.
- __repr__()
Return the structure identifier.
- get_models()
Return models.
- get_chains()
Return chains from models.
- get_residues()
Return residues from chains.
- get_atoms()
Return atoms from residue.
- atom_to_internal_coordinates(verbose: bool = False) None
Create/update internal coordinates from Atom X,Y,Z coordinates.
Internal coordinates are bond length, angle and dihedral angles.
- Parameters:
bool (verbose) – default False describe runtime problems
- internal_to_atom_coordinates(verbose: bool = False) None
Create/update atom coordinates from internal coordinates.
- Parameters:
bool (verbose) – default False describe runtime problems
- Raises:
Exception – if any chain does not have .internal_coord attribute
- __annotations__ = {}
- __orig_bases__ = (Bio.PDB.Entity.Entity[NoneType, ForwardRef('Model')],)
- __parameters__ = ()