Bio.SeqIO.XdnaIO module

Bio.SeqIO support for the “xdna” file format.

The Xdna binary format is generated by Christian Marck’s DNA Strider program and also used by Serial Cloner.

class Bio.SeqIO.XdnaIO.XdnaIterator(source)

Bases: SequenceIterator

Parser for Xdna files.

modes = 'b'

Parse a Xdna file and return a SeqRecord object.

Argument source is a file-like object in binary mode or a path to a file.

Note that this is an “iterator” in name only since an Xdna file always contain a single sequence.


Return the next SeqRecord.

This method must be implemented by the subclass.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__parameters__ = ()
class Bio.SeqIO.XdnaIO.XdnaWriter(target: IO | PathLike | str | bytes)

Bases: SequenceWriter

Write files in the Xdna format.

modes = 'b'

Write the specified record to a Xdna file.

Note that the function expects a list (or iterable) of records as per the SequenceWriter interface, but the list should contain only one record as the Xdna format is a mono-record format.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__parameters__ = ()