Bio.SearchIO.ExonerateIO.exonerate_text module

Bio.SearchIO parser for Exonerate plain text output format.

class Bio.SearchIO.ExonerateIO.exonerate_text.ExonerateTextParser(handle)

Bases: _BaseExonerateParser

Parser for Exonerate plain text output.


Parse alignment block, return query result, hits, hsps.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
class Bio.SearchIO.ExonerateIO.exonerate_text.ExonerateTextIndexer(filename, **kwargs)

Bases: _BaseExonerateIndexer

Indexer class for Exonerate plain text.


Return the query ID from the nearest “Query:” line.


Return the raw string of a QueryResult object from the given offset.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})