Bio.Phylo.CDAO module

Classes corresponding to CDAO trees.

See classes in Bio.Nexus: Trees.Tree, Trees.NodeData, and Nodes.Chain.

class Bio.Phylo.CDAO.Tree(root=None, rooted=False, id=None, name=None, weight=1.0)

Bases: Tree

CDAO Tree object.

__init__(root=None, rooted=False, id=None, name=None, weight=1.0)

Initialize value of for the CDAO tree object.

__annotations__ = {}
class Bio.Phylo.CDAO.Clade(branch_length=1.0, name=None, clades=None, confidence=None, comment=None)

Bases: Clade

CDAO Clade (sub-tree) object.

__init__(branch_length=1.0, name=None, clades=None, confidence=None, comment=None)

Initialize values for the CDAO Clade object.

__annotations__ = {}