Bio.PDB.Chain module

Chain class, used in Structure objects.

class Bio.PDB.Chain.Chain(id)

Bases: Entity[Model, Residue]

Define Chain class.

Chain is an object of type Entity, stores residues and includes a method to access atoms from residues.


Initialize the class.


Validate if id is greater than


Validate if id is greater or equal than


Validate if id is less than


Validate if id is less or equal than other id.


Return the residue with given id.

The id of a residue is (hetero flag, sequence identifier, insertion code). If id is an int, it is translated to (” “, id, “ “) by the _translate_id method.

  • id - (string, int, string) or int


Check if a residue with given id is present in this chain.

  • id - (string, int, string) or int


Delete item.

  • id - (string, int, string) or int


Return the chain identifier.


Return a list of undisordered residues.

Some Residue objects hide several disordered residues (DisorderedResidue objects). This method unpacks them, ie. it returns a list of simple Residue objects.


Return 1 if a residue with given id is present.

The id of a residue is (hetero flag, sequence identifier, insertion code).

If id is an int, it is translated to (” “, id, “ “) by the _translate_id method.

  • id - (string, int, string) or int


Return residues.


Return atoms from residues.

atom_to_internal_coordinates(verbose: bool = False) None

Create/update internal coordinates from Atom X,Y,Z coordinates.

Internal coordinates are bond length, angle and dihedral angles.


bool (verbose) – default False describe runtime problems

internal_to_atom_coordinates(verbose: bool = False, start: int | None = None, fin: int | None = None)

Create/update atom coordinates from internal coordinates.


bool (verbose) – default False describe runtime problems


start, fin integers optional sequence positions for begin, end of subregion to process. N.B. this activates serial residue assembly, <start> residue CA will be at origin


Exception – if any chain does not have .internal_coord attribute

__orig_bases__ = (Bio.PDB.Entity.Entity[ForwardRef('Model'), ForwardRef('Residue')],)
__parameters__ = ()