Bio.Align.tabular module

Bio.Align support for tabular output from BLAST or FASTA.

This module contains a parser for tabular output from BLAST run with the ‘-outfmt 7’ argument, as well as tabular output from William Pearson’s FASTA alignment tools using the ‘-m 8CB’ or ‘-m 8CC’ arguments.

class Bio.Align.tabular.State(value)

Bases: Enum

Enumerate alignment states needed when parsing a BTOP string.

NONE = 4
class Bio.Align.tabular.AlignmentIterator(source)

Bases: AlignmentIterator

Alignment iterator for tabular output from BLAST or FASTA.

For reading (pairwise) alignments from tabular output generated by BLAST run with the ‘-outfmt 7’ argument, as well as tabular output generated by William Pearson’s FASTA alignment programs with the ‘-m 8CB’ or ‘-m 8CC’ output formats.

fmt: str | None = 'Tabular'

Parse a BTOP string and return alignment coordinates.

A BTOP (Blast trace-back operations) string is used by BLAST to describe a sequence alignment.


Parse a CIGAR string and return alignment coordinates.

A CIGAR string, as defined by the SAM Sequence Alignment/Map format, describes a sequence alignment as a series of lengths and operation (alignment/insertion/deletion) codes.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'fmt': 'str | None'}