Accessing NCBI’s Entrez databases
Entrez ( is a data
retrieval system that provides users access to NCBI’s databases such as
PubMed, GenBank, GEO, and many others. You can access Entrez from a web
browser to manually enter queries, or you can use Biopython’s
module for programmatic access to Entrez. The latter
allows you for example to search PubMed or download GenBank records from
within a Python script.
The Bio.Entrez
module makes use of the Entrez Programming Utilities
(also known as EUtils), consisting of eight tools that are described in
detail on NCBI’s page at
Each of these tools corresponds to one Python function in the
module, as described in the sections below. This module
makes sure that the correct URL is used for the queries, and that NCBI’s
guidelines for responsible data access are being followed.
The output returned by the Entrez Programming Utilities is typically in XML format. To parse such output, you have several options:
’s parser to parse the XML output into a Python object;Use one of the XML parsers available in Python’s standard library;
Read the XML output as raw text, and parse it by string searching and manipulation.
See the Python documentation for a description of the XML parsers in
Python’s standard library. Here, we discuss the parser in Biopython’s
module. This parser can be used to parse data as provided
through Bio.Entrez
’s programmatic access functions to Entrez, but
can also be used to parse XML data from NCBI Entrez that are stored in a
file. In the latter case, the XML file should be opened in binary mode
(e.g. open("myfile.xml", "rb")
) for the XML parser in Bio.Entrez
to work correctly. Alternatively, you can pass the file name or path to
the XML file, and let Bio.Entrez
take care of opening and closing
the file.
NCBI uses DTD (Document Type Definition) files to describe the structure
of the information contained in XML files. Most of the DTD files used by
NCBI are included in the Biopython distribution. The Bio.Entrez
parser makes use of the DTD files when parsing an XML file returned by
NCBI Entrez.
Occasionally, you may find that the DTD file associated with a specific
XML file is missing in the Biopython distribution. In particular, this
may happen when NCBI updates its DTD files. If this happens,
will show a warning message with the name and URL of the
missing DTD file. The parser will proceed to access the missing DTD file
through the internet, allowing the parsing of the XML file to continue.
However, the parser is much faster if the DTD file is available locally.
For this purpose, please download the DTD file from the URL in the
warning message and place it in the directory
, containing the other DTD files. If
you don’t have write access to this directory, you can also place the
DTD file in ~/.biopython/Bio/Entrez/DTDs
, where ~
your home directory. Since this directory is read before the directory
, you can also put newer versions of
DTD files there if the ones in
become outdated. Alternatively, if you installed Biopython from source,
you can add the DTD file to the source code’s Bio/Entrez/DTDs
directory, and reinstall Biopython. This will install the new DTD file
in the correct location together with the other DTD files.
The Entrez Programming Utilities can also generate output in other formats, such as the Fasta or GenBank file formats for sequence databases, or the MedLine format for the literature database, discussed in Section Specialized parsers.
The functions in Bio.Entrez
for programmatic access to Entrez return
data either in binary format or in text format, depending on the type of
data requested. In most cases, these functions return data in text
format by decoding the data obtained from NCBI Entrez to Python strings
under the assumption that the encoding is UTF-8. However, XML data are
returned in binary format. The reason for this is that the encoding is
specified in the XML document itself, which means that we won’t know the
correct encoding to use until we start parsing the file.
’s parser therefore accepts data in binary format,
extracts the encoding from the XML, and uses it to decode all text in
the XML document to Python strings, ensuring that all text (in
particular in languages other than English) are interpreted correctly.
This is also the reason why you should open an XML file a binary mode
when you want to use Bio.Entrez
’s parser to parse the file.
Entrez Guidelines
Before using Biopython to access the NCBI’s online resources (via
or some of the other modules), please read the NCBI’s
Entrez User
Requirements. If the
NCBI finds you are abusing their systems, they can and will ban your
To paraphrase:
For any series of more than 100 requests, do this at weekends or outside USA peak times. This is up to you to obey.
Use the address, not the standard NCBI Web address. Biopython uses this web address.
If you are using a API key, you can make at most 10 queries per second, otherwise at most 3 queries per second. This is automatically enforced by Biopython. Include
in the argument list or set it as a module level variable:>>> from Bio import Entrez >>> Entrez.api_key = "MyAPIkey"
Use the optional email parameter so the NCBI can contact you if there is a problem. You can either explicitly set this as a parameter with each call to Entrez (e.g. include
in the argument list), or you can set a global email address:>>> from Bio import Entrez >>> = ""
will then use this email address with each call to Entrez.
address is a reserved domain name specifically for documentation (RFC 2606). Please DO NOT use a random email – it’s better not to give an email at all. The email parameter has been mandatory since June 1, 2010. In case of excessive usage, NCBI will attempt to contact a user at the e-mail address provided prior to blocking access to the E-utilities.If you are using Biopython within some larger software suite, use the tool parameter to specify this. You can either explicitly set the tool name as a parameter with each call to Entrez (e.g. include
in the argument list), or you can set a global tool name:>>> from Bio import Entrez >>> Entrez.tool = "MyLocalScript"
The tool parameter will default to Biopython.
For large queries, the NCBI also recommend using their session history feature (the WebEnv session cookie string, see Section Using the history and WebEnv). This is only slightly more complicated.
In conclusion, be sensible with your usage levels. If you plan to download lots of data, consider other options. For example, if you want easy access to all the human genes, consider fetching each chromosome by FTP as a GenBank file, and importing these into your own BioSQL database (see Section BioSQL – storing sequences in a relational database).
EInfo: Obtaining information about the Entrez databases
EInfo provides field index term counts, last update, and available links for each of NCBI’s databases. In addition, you can use EInfo to obtain a list of all database names accessible through the Entrez utilities:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.einfo()
>>> result =
>>> stream.close()
The variable result
now contains a list of databases in XML format:
>>> print(result)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE eInfoResult PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD eInfoResult, 11 May 2002//EN"
Since this is a fairly simple XML file, we could extract the information
it contains simply by string searching. Using Bio.Entrez
’s parser
instead, we can directly parse this XML file into a Python object:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> stream = Entrez.einfo()
>>> record =
Now record
is a dictionary with exactly one key:
>>> record.keys()
The values stored in this key is the list of database names shown in the XML above:
>>> record["DbList"]
['pubmed', 'protein', 'nucleotide', 'nuccore', 'nucgss', 'nucest',
'structure', 'genome', 'books', 'cancerchromosomes', 'cdd', 'gap',
'domains', 'gene', 'genomeprj', 'gensat', 'geo', 'gds', 'homologene',
'journals', 'mesh', 'ncbisearch', 'nlmcatalog', 'omia', 'omim', 'pmc',
'popset', 'probe', 'proteinclusters', 'pcassay', 'pccompound',
'pcsubstance', 'snp', 'taxonomy', 'toolkit', 'unigene', 'unists']
For each of these databases, we can use EInfo again to obtain more information:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.einfo(db="pubmed")
>>> record =
>>> record["DbInfo"]["Description"]
'PubMed bibliographic record'
>>> record["DbInfo"]["Count"]
>>> record["DbInfo"]["LastUpdate"]
'2008/05/24 06:45'
Try record["DbInfo"].keys()
for other information stored in this
record. One of the most useful is a list of possible search fields for
use with ESearch:
>>> for field in record["DbInfo"]["FieldList"]:
... print("%(Name)s, %(FullName)s, %(Description)s" % field)
ALL, All Fields, All terms from all searchable fields
UID, UID, Unique number assigned to publication
FILT, Filter, Limits the records
TITL, Title, Words in title of publication
WORD, Text Word, Free text associated with publication
MESH, MeSH Terms, Medical Subject Headings assigned to publication
MAJR, MeSH Major Topic, MeSH terms of major importance to publication
AUTH, Author, Author(s) of publication
JOUR, Journal, Journal abbreviation of publication
AFFL, Affiliation, Author's institutional affiliation and address
That’s a long list, but indirectly this tells you that for the PubMed
database, you can do things like Jones[AUTH]
to search the author
field, or Sanger[AFFL]
to restrict to authors at the Sanger Centre.
This can be very handy - especially if you are not so familiar with a
particular database.
ESearch: Searching the Entrez databases
To search any of these databases, we use Bio.Entrez.esearch()
. For
example, let’s search in PubMed for publications that include Biopython
in their title:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term="biopython[title]", retmax="40")
>>> record =
>>> "19304878" in record["IdList"]
>>> print(record["IdList"])
['22909249', '19304878']
In this output, you see PubMed IDs (including 19304878 which is the PMID for the Biopython application note), which can be retrieved by EFetch (see section EFetch: Downloading full records from Entrez).
You can also use ESearch to search GenBank. Here we’ll do a quick search for the matK gene in Cypripedioideae orchids (see Section EInfo: Obtaining information about the Entrez databases about EInfo for one way to find out which fields you can search in each Entrez database):
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(
... db="nucleotide", term="Cypripedioideae[Orgn] AND matK[Gene]", idtype="acc"
... )
>>> record =
>>> record["Count"]
>>> record["IdList"]
['JQ660909.1', 'JQ660908.1', 'JQ660907.1', 'JQ660906.1', ..., 'JQ660890.1']
Each of the IDs (JQ660909.1, JQ660908.1, JQ660907.1, …) is a GenBank identifier (Accession number). See section EFetch: Downloading full records from Entrez for information on how to actually download these GenBank records.
Note that instead of a species name like Cypripedioideae[Orgn]
, you
can restrict the search using an NCBI taxon identifier, here this would
be txid158330[Orgn]
. This isn’t currently documented on the ESearch
help page - the NCBI explained this in reply to an email query. You can
often deduce the search term formatting by playing with the Entrez web
interface. For example, including complete[prop]
in a genome search
restricts to just completed genomes.
As a final example, let’s get a list of computational journal titles:
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="nlmcatalog", term="computational[Journal]", retmax="20")
>>> record =
>>> print("{} computational journals found".format(record["Count"]))
117 computational Journals found
>>> print("The first 20 are\n{}".format(record["IdList"]))
['101660833', '101664671', '101661657', '101659814', '101657941',
'101653734', '101669877', '101649614', '101647835', '101639023',
'101627224', '101647801', '101589678', '101585369', '101645372',
'101586429', '101582229', '101574747', '101564639', '101671907']
Again, we could use EFetch to obtain more information for each of these journal IDs.
ESearch has many useful options — see the ESearch help page for more information.
EPost: Uploading a list of identifiers
EPost uploads a list of UIs for use in subsequent search strategies; see
the EPost help
for more information. It is available from Biopython through the
To give an example of when this is useful, suppose you have a long list of IDs you want to download using EFetch (maybe sequences, maybe citations – anything). When you make a request with EFetch your list of IDs, the database etc, are all turned into a long URL sent to the server. If your list of IDs is long, this URL gets long, and long URLs can break (e.g. some proxies don’t cope well).
Instead, you can break this up into two steps, first uploading the list of IDs using EPost (this uses an “HTML post” internally, rather than an “HTML get”, getting round the long URL problem). With the history support, you can then refer to this long list of IDs, and download the associated data with EFetch.
Let’s look at a simple example to see how EPost works – uploading some PubMed identifiers:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> id_list = ["19304878", "18606172", "16403221", "16377612", "14871861", "14630660"]
>>> print("pubmed", id=",".join(id_list)).read())
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ePostResult PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD ePostResult, 11 May 2002//EN"
The returned XML includes two important strings, QueryKey
which together define your history session. You would extract
these values for use with another Entrez call such as EFetch:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> id_list = ["19304878", "18606172", "16403221", "16377612", "14871861", "14630660"]
>>> search_results ="pubmed", id=",".join(id_list)))
>>> webenv = search_results["WebEnv"]
>>> query_key = search_results["QueryKey"]
Section Using the history and WebEnv shows how to use the history feature.
ESummary: Retrieving summaries from primary IDs
ESummary retrieves document summaries from a list of primary IDs (see
the ESummary help
for more information). In Biopython, ESummary is available as
. Using the search result above, we can for
example find out more about the journal with ID 30367:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esummary(db="nlmcatalog", id="101660833")
>>> record =
>>> info = record[0]["TitleMainList"][0]
>>> print("Journal info\nid: {}\nTitle: {}".format(record[0]["Id"], info["Title"]))
Journal info
id: 101660833
Title: IEEE transactions on computational imaging.
EFetch: Downloading full records from Entrez
EFetch is what you use when you want to retrieve a full record from Entrez. This covers several possible databases, as described on the main EFetch Help page.
For most of their databases, the NCBI support several different file
formats. Requesting a specific file format from Entrez using
requires specifying the rettype
optional arguments. The different combinations are described
for each database type on the pages linked to on NCBI efetch
One common usage is downloading sequences in the FASTA or
GenBank/GenPept plain text formats (which can then be parsed with
, see
Sections Parsing GenBank records from the net
and EFetch: Downloading full records from Entrez). From the Cypripedioideae example above, we
can download GenBank record EU490707 using Bio.Entrez.efetch
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id="EU490707", rettype="gb", retmode="text")
>>> print(
LOCUS EU490707 1302 bp DNA linear PLN 26-JUL-2016
DEFINITION Selenipedium aequinoctiale maturase K (matK) gene, partial cds;
VERSION EU490707.1
SOURCE chloroplast Selenipedium aequinoctiale
ORGANISM Selenipedium aequinoctiale
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Liliopsida; Asparagales; Orchidaceae;
Cypripedioideae; Selenipedium.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1302)
AUTHORS Neubig,K.M., Whitten,W.M., Carlsward,B.S., Blanco,M.A., Endara,L.,
Williams,N.H. and Moore,M.
TITLE Phylogenetic utility of ycf1 in orchids: a plastid gene more
variable than matK
JOURNAL Plant Syst. Evol. 277 (1-2), 75-84 (2009)
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1302)
AUTHORS Neubig,K.M., Whitten,W.M., Carlsward,B.S., Blanco,M.A.,
Endara,C.L., Williams,N.H. and Moore,M.J.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (14-FEB-2008) Department of Botany, University of
Florida, 220 Bartram Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611-8526, USA
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1302
/organism="Selenipedium aequinoctiale"
/mol_type="genomic DNA"
/specimen_voucher="FLAS:Blanco 2475"
gene <1..>1302
CDS <1..>1302
/product="maturase K"
1 attttttacg aacctgtgga aatttttggt tatgacaata aatctagttt agtacttgtg
61 aaacgtttaa ttactcgaat gtatcaacag aattttttga tttcttcggt taatgattct
121 aaccaaaaag gattttgggg gcacaagcat tttttttctt ctcatttttc ttctcaaatg
181 gtatcagaag gttttggagt cattctggaa attccattct cgtcgcaatt agtatcttct
241 cttgaagaaa aaaaaatacc aaaatatcag aatttacgat ctattcattc aatatttccc
301 tttttagaag acaaattttt acatttgaat tatgtgtcag atctactaat accccatccc
361 atccatctgg aaatcttggt tcaaatcctt caatgccgga tcaaggatgt tccttctttg
421 catttattgc gattgctttt ccacgaatat cataatttga atagtctcat tacttcaaag
481 aaattcattt acgccttttc aaaaagaaag aaaagattcc tttggttact atataattct
541 tatgtatatg aatgcgaata tctattccag tttcttcgta aacagtcttc ttatttacga
601 tcaacatctt ctggagtctt tcttgagcga acacatttat atgtaaaaat agaacatctt
661 ctagtagtgt gttgtaattc ttttcagagg atcctatgct ttctcaagga tcctttcatg
721 cattatgttc gatatcaagg aaaagcaatt ctggcttcaa agggaactct tattctgatg
781 aagaaatgga aatttcatct tgtgaatttt tggcaatctt attttcactt ttggtctcaa
841 ccgtatagga ttcatataaa gcaattatcc aactattcct tctcttttct ggggtatttt
901 tcaagtgtac tagaaaatca tttggtagta agaaatcaaa tgctagagaa ttcatttata
961 ataaatcttc tgactaagaa attcgatacc atagccccag ttatttctct tattggatca
1021 ttgtcgaaag ctcaattttg tactgtattg ggtcatccta ttagtaaacc gatctggacc
1081 gatttctcgg attctgatat tcttgatcga ttttgccgga tatgtagaaa tctttgtcgt
1141 tatcacagcg gatcctcaaa aaaacaggtt ttgtatcgta taaaatatat acttcgactt
1201 tcgtgtgcta gaactttggc acggaaacat aaaagtacag tacgcacttt tatgcgaaga
1261 ttaggttcgg gattattaga agaattcttt atggaagaag aa
Please be aware that as of October 2016 GI identifiers are discontinued in favor of accession numbers. You can still fetch sequences based on their GI, but new sequences are no longer given this identifier. You should instead refer to them by the “Accession number” as done in the example.
The arguments rettype="gb"
and retmode="text"
let us download
this record in the GenBank format.
Note that until Easter 2009, the Entrez EFetch API let you use “genbank” as the return type, however the NCBI now insist on using the official return types of “gb” or “gbwithparts” (or “gp” for proteins) as described on online. Also note that until Feb 2012, the Entrez EFetch API would default to returning plain text files, but now defaults to XML.
Alternatively, you could for example use rettype="fasta"
to get the
Fasta-format; see the EFetch Sequences Help
for other options. Remember – the available formats depend on which
database you are downloading from - see the main EFetch Help
If you fetch the record in one of the formats accepted by Bio.SeqIO
(see Chapter Sequence Input/Output), you could directly
parse it into a SeqRecord
>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id="EU490707", rettype="gb", retmode="text")
>>> record =, "genbank")
>>> stream.close()
>>> print(
>>> print(
>>> print(record.description)
Selenipedium aequinoctiale maturase K (matK) gene, partial cds; chloroplast
>>> print(len(record.features))
>>> record.seq
Note that a more typical use would be to save the sequence data to a
local file, and then parse it with Bio.SeqIO
. This can save you
having to re-download the same file repeatedly while working on your
script, and places less load on the NCBI’s servers. For example:
import os
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import Entrez = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
filename = "EU490707.gbk"
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
# Downloading...
stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id="EU490707", rettype="gb", retmode="text")
output = open(filename, "w")
record =, "genbank")
To get the output in XML format, which you can parse using the
function, use retmode="xml"
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id="EU490707", retmode="xml")
>>> record =
>>> stream.close()
>>> record[0]["GBSeq_definition"]
'Selenipedium aequinoctiale maturase K (matK) gene, partial cds; chloroplast'
>>> record[0]["GBSeq_source"]
'chloroplast Selenipedium aequinoctiale'
So, that dealt with sequences. For examples of parsing file formats
specific to the other databases (e.g. the MEDLINE
format used in
PubMed), see Section Specialized parsers.
If you want to perform a search with Bio.Entrez.esearch()
, and then
download the records with Bio.Entrez.efetch()
, you should use the
WebEnv history feature – see Section Using the history and WebEnv.
EGQuery: Global Query - counts for search terms
EGQuery provides counts for a search term in each of the Entrez databases (i.e. a global query). This is particularly useful to find out how many items your search terms would find in each database without actually performing lots of separate searches with ESearch (see the example in Searching, downloading, and parsing Entrez Nucleotide records below).
In this example, we use Bio.Entrez.egquery()
to obtain the counts
for “Biopython”:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.egquery(term="biopython")
>>> record =
>>> for row in record["eGQueryResult"]:
... print(row["DbName"], row["Count"])
pubmed 6
pmc 62
journals 0
See the EGQuery help page for more information.
ESpell: Obtaining spelling suggestions
ESpell retrieves spelling suggestions. In this example, we use
to obtain the correct spelling of Biopython:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.espell(term="biopythooon")
>>> record =
>>> record["Query"]
>>> record["CorrectedQuery"]
See the ESpell help page for more information. The main use of this is for GUI tools to provide automatic suggestions for search terms.
Parsing huge Entrez XML files
function reads the entire XML file returned by
Entrez into a single Python object, which is kept in memory. To parse
Entrez XML files too large to fit in memory, you can use the function
. This is a generator function that reads records in the
XML file one by one. This function is only useful if the XML file
reflects a Python list object (in other words, if
on a
computer with infinite memory resources would return a Python list).
For example, you can download the entire Entrez Gene database for a
given organism as a file from NCBI’s ftp site. These files can be very
large. As an example, on September 4, 2009, the file
, containing the Entrez Gene database for human,
had a size of 116576 kB. This file, which is in the ASN
format, can
be converted into an XML file using NCBI’s gene2xml
program (see
NCBI’s ftp site for more information):
$ gene2xml -b T -i Homo_sapiens.ags -o Homo_sapiens.xml
The resulting XML file has a size of 6.1 GB. Attempting
on this file will result in a MemoryError
on many computers.
The XML file Homo_sapiens.xml
consists of a list of Entrez gene
records, each corresponding to one Entrez gene in human.
retrieves these gene records one by one. You can then
print out or store the relevant information in each record by iterating
over the records. For example, this script iterates over the Entrez gene
records and prints out the gene numbers and names for all current genes:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = open("Homo_sapiens.xml", "rb")
>>> records = Entrez.parse(stream)
Alternatively, you can use
>>> records = Entrez.parse("Homo_sapiens.xml")
and let Bio.Entrez
take care of opening and closing the file. This
is safer, as the file will then automatically be closed after parsing
it, or if an error occurs.
>>> for record in records:
... status = record["Entrezgene_track-info"]["Gene-track"]["Gene-track_status"]
... if status.attributes["value"] == "discontinued":
... continue
... geneid = record["Entrezgene_track-info"]["Gene-track"]["Gene-track_geneid"]
... genename = record["Entrezgene_gene"]["Gene-ref"]["Gene-ref_locus"]
... print(geneid, genename)
1 A1BG
2 A2M
3 A2MP
8 AA
9 NAT1
10 NAT2
17 AAVS1
HTML escape characters
Pubmed records may contain HTML tags to indicate e.g. subscripts,
superscripts, or italic text, as well as mathematical symbols via
MathML. By default, the Bio.Entrez
parser treats all text as plain
text without markup; for example, the fragment “
<i>P</i> < 0.05
in the XML returned by Entrez, is converted to the Python string
'<i>P</i> < 0.05'
by the Bio.Entrez
parser. While this is more human-readable, it is
not valid HTML due to the less-than sign, and makes further processing
of the text e.g. by an HTML parser impractical. To ensure that all
strings returned by the parser are valid HTML, call
with the escape
argument set to True
>>> record =, escape=True)
The parser will then replace all characters disallowed in HTML by their HTML-escaped equivalent; in the example above, the parser will generate
'<i>P</i> < 0.05'
which is a valid HTML fragment. By default, escape
is False
Handling errors
The file is not an XML file
For example, this error occurs if you try to parse a Fasta file as if it were an XML file:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> stream = open("NC_005816.fna", "rb") # a Fasta file
>>> record =
Traceback (most recent call last):
Bio.Entrez.Parser.NotXMLError: Failed to parse the XML data (syntax error: line 1, column 0). Please make sure that the input data are in XML format.
Here, the parser didn’t find the <?xml ...
tag with which an XML
file is supposed to start, and therefore decides (correctly) that the
file is not an XML file.
The file ends prematurely or is otherwise corrupted
When your file is in the XML format but is corrupted (for example, by ending prematurely), the parser will raise a CorruptedXMLError.
Here is an example of an XML file that ends prematurely:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE eInfoResult PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD eInfoResult, 11 May 2002//EN" "">
which will generate the following traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
Bio.Entrez.Parser.CorruptedXMLError: Failed to parse the XML data (no element found: line 16, column 0). Please make sure that the input data are not corrupted.
Note that the error message tells you at what point in the XML file the error was detected.
The file contains items that are missing from the associated DTD
This is an example of an XML file containing tags that do not have a description in the corresponding DTD file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE eInfoResult PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD eInfoResult, 11 May 2002//EN" "">
<Description>PubMed bibliographic record</Description>
<LastUpdate>2010/09/10 04:52</LastUpdate>
In this file, for some reason the tag <DocsumList>
(and several
others) are not listed in the DTD file eInfo_020511.dtd
, which is
specified on the second line as the DTD for this XML file. By default,
the parser will stop and raise a ValidationError if it cannot find some
tag in the DTD:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> stream = open("einfo3.xml", "rb")
>>> record =
Traceback (most recent call last):
Bio.Entrez.Parser.ValidationError: Failed to find tag 'DocsumList' in the DTD. To skip all tags that are not represented in the DTD, please call or Bio.Entrez.parse with validate=False.
Optionally, you can instruct the parser to skip such tags instead of
raising a ValidationError. This is done by calling
with the argument validate
equal to False:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> stream = open("einfo3.xml", "rb")
>>> record =, validate=False)
>>> stream.close()
Of course, the information contained in the XML tags that are not in the
DTD are not present in the record returned by
The file contains an error message
This may occur, for example, when you attempt to access a PubMed record
for a nonexistent PubMed ID. By default, this will raise a
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esummary(db="pubmed", id="99999999")
>>> record =
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: UID=99999999: cannot get document summary
If you are accessing multiple PubMed records, the RuntimeError
prevent you from receiving results for any of the PubMed records if one
of the PubMed IDs is incorrect. To circumvent this, you can set the
argument to True
. This will return the requested
results for the valid PubMed IDs, and an ErrorElement
for the
incorrect ID:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esummary(db="pubmed", id="19304878,99999999,31278684")
>>> record =, ignore_errors=True)
>>> len(record)
>>> record[0].tag
>>> record[0]["Title"]
'Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics.'
>>> record[1].tag
>>> record[1]
ErrorElement('UID=99999999: cannot get document summary')
>>> record[2].tag
>>> record[2]["Title"]
'Sharing Programming Resources Between Bio* Projects.'
Specialized parsers
function can parse most (if not all) XML
output returned by Entrez. Entrez typically allows you to retrieve
records in other formats, which may have some advantages compared to the
XML format in terms of readability (or download size).
To request a specific file format from Entrez using
requires specifying the rettype
optional arguments. The different combinations are described
for each database type on the NCBI efetch
One obvious case is you may prefer to download sequences in the FASTA or
GenBank/GenPept plain text formats (which can then be parsed with
, see
Sections Parsing GenBank records from the net
and EFetch: Downloading full records from Entrez). For the literature databases, Biopython
contains a parser for the MEDLINE
format used in PubMed.
Parsing Medline records
You can find the Medline parser in Bio.Medline
. Suppose we want to
parse the file pubmed_result1.txt
, containing one Medline record.
You can find this file in Biopython’s Tests\Medline
directory. The
file looks like this:
PMID- 12230038
DA - 20020916
DCOM- 20030606
LR - 20041117
PUBM- Print
IS - 1467-5463 (Print)
VI - 3
IP - 3
DP - 2002 Sep
TI - The Bio* toolkits--a brief overview.
PG - 296-302
AB - Bioinformatics research is often difficult to do with commercial software. The
Open Source BioPerl, BioPython and Biojava projects provide toolkits with
We first open the file and then parse it:
>>> from Bio import Medline
>>> with open("pubmed_result1.txt") as stream:
... record =
The record
now contains the Medline record as a Python dictionary:
>>> record["PMID"]
>>> record["AB"]
'Bioinformatics research is often difficult to do with commercial software.
The Open Source BioPerl, BioPython and Biojava projects provide toolkits with
multiple functionality that make it easier to create customized pipelines or
analysis. This review briefly compares the quirks of the underlying languages
and the functionality, documentation, utility and relative advantages of the
Bio counterparts, particularly from the point of view of the beginning
biologist programmer.'
The key names used in a Medline record can be rather obscure; use
>>> help(record)
for a brief summary.
To parse a file containing multiple Medline records, you can use the
function instead:
>>> from Bio import Medline
>>> with open("pubmed_result2.txt") as stream:
... for record in Medline.parse(stream):
... print(record["TI"])
A high level interface to SCOP and ASTRAL implemented in python.
GenomeDiagram: a python package for the visualization of large-scale genomic data.
Open source clustering software.
PDB file parser and structure class implemented in Python.
Instead of parsing Medline records stored in files, you can also parse
Medline records downloaded by Bio.Entrez.efetch
. For example, let’s
look at all Medline records in PubMed related to Biopython:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term="biopython")
>>> record =
>>> record["IdList"]
['19304878', '18606172', '16403221', '16377612', '14871861', '14630660', '12230038']
We now use Bio.Entrez.efetch
to download these Medline records:
>>> idlist = record["IdList"]
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id=idlist, rettype="medline", retmode="text")
Here, we specify rettype="medline", retmode="text"
to obtain the
Medline records in plain-text Medline format. Now we use Bio.Medline
to parse these records:
>>> from Bio import Medline
>>> records = Medline.parse(stream)
>>> for record in records:
... print(record["AU"])
['Cock PJ', 'Antao T', 'Chang JT', 'Chapman BA', 'Cox CJ', 'Dalke A', ..., 'de Hoon MJ']
['Munteanu CR', 'Gonzalez-Diaz H', 'Magalhaes AL']
['Casbon JA', 'Crooks GE', 'Saqi MA']
['Pritchard L', 'White JA', 'Birch PR', 'Toth IK']
['de Hoon MJ', 'Imoto S', 'Nolan J', 'Miyano S']
['Hamelryck T', 'Manderick B']
['Mangalam H']
For comparison, here we show an example using the XML format:
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id=idlist, rettype="medline", retmode="xml")
>>> records =
>>> for record in records["PubmedArticle"]:
... print(record["MedlineCitation"]["Article"]["ArticleTitle"])
Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and
Enzymes/non-enzymes classification model complexity based on composition, sequence,
3D and topological indices.
A high level interface to SCOP and ASTRAL implemented in python.
GenomeDiagram: a python package for the visualization of large-scale genomic data.
Open source clustering software.
PDB file parser and structure class implemented in Python.
The Bio* toolkits--a brief overview.
Note that in both of these examples, for simplicity we have naively combined ESearch and EFetch. In this situation, the NCBI would expect you to use their history feature, as illustrated in Section Using the history and WebEnv.
Parsing GEO records
GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus) is
a data repository of high-throughput gene expression and hybridization
array data. The Bio.Geo
module can be used to parse GEO-formatted
The following code fragment shows how to parse the example GEO file
into a record and print the record:
>>> from Bio import Geo
>>> stream = open("GSE16.txt")
>>> records = Geo.parse(stream)
>>> for record in records:
... print(record)
You can search the “gds” database (GEO datasets) with ESearch:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="gds", term="GSE16")
>>> record =
>>> stream.close()
>>> record["Count"]
>>> record["IdList"]
['200000016', '100000028', ...]
From the Entrez website, UID “200000016” is GDS16 while the other hit “100000028” is for the associated platform, GPL28. Unfortunately, at the time of writing the NCBI don’t seem to support downloading GEO files using Entrez (not as XML, nor in the Simple Omnibus Format in Text (SOFT) format).
However, it is actually pretty straight forward to download the GEO files by FTP from instead. In this case you might want (a compressed file, see the Python module gzip).
Parsing UniGene records
UniGene is an NCBI database of the transcriptome, with each UniGene record showing the set of transcripts that are associated with a particular gene in a specific organism. A typical UniGene record looks like this:
ID Hs.2
TITLE N-acetyltransferase 2 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase)
EXPRESS bone| connective tissue| intestine| liver| liver tumor| normal| soft tissue/muscle tissue tumor| adult
STS ACC=PMC310725P3 UNISTS=272646
STS ACC=G59899 UNISTS=137181
STS ACC=GDB:187676 UNISTS=155563
PROTSIM ORG=10090; PROTGI=6754794; PROTID=NP_035004.1; PCT=76.55; ALN=288
PROTSIM ORG=9796; PROTGI=149742490; PROTID=XP_001487907.1; PCT=79.66; ALN=288
PROTSIM ORG=9986; PROTGI=126722851; PROTID=NP_001075655.1; PCT=76.90; ALN=288
PROTSIM ORG=9598; PROTGI=114619004; PROTID=XP_519631.2; PCT=98.28; ALN=288
SEQUENCE ACC=BC067218.1; NID=g45501306; PID=g45501307; SEQTYPE=mRNA
SEQUENCE ACC=NM_000015.2; NID=g116295259; PID=g116295260; SEQTYPE=mRNA
SEQUENCE ACC=D90042.1; NID=g219415; PID=g219416; SEQTYPE=mRNA
SEQUENCE ACC=D90040.1; NID=g219411; PID=g219412; SEQTYPE=mRNA
SEQUENCE ACC=BC015878.1; NID=g16198419; PID=g16198420; SEQTYPE=mRNA
SEQUENCE ACC=CR407631.1; NID=g47115198; PID=g47115199; SEQTYPE=mRNA
SEQUENCE ACC=BG569293.1; NID=g13576946; CLONE=IMAGE:4722596; END=5'; LID=6989; SEQTYPE=EST; TRACE=44157214
SEQUENCE ACC=AU099534.1; NID=g13550663; CLONE=HSI08034; END=5'; LID=8800; SEQTYPE=EST
This particular record shows the set of transcripts (shown in the
lines) that originate from the human gene NAT2, encoding en
N-acetyltransferase. The PROTSIM
lines show proteins with
significant similarity to NAT2, whereas the STS
lines show the
corresponding sequence-tagged sites in the genome.
To parse UniGene files, use the Bio.UniGene
>>> from Bio import UniGene
>>> input = open("")
>>> record =
The record
returned by
is a Python object with
attributes corresponding to the fields in the UniGene record. For
>>> record.ID
>>> record.title
"N-acetyltransferase 2 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase)"
lines are stored as Python lists of
"connective tissue",
"liver tumor",
"soft tissue/muscle tissue tumor",
Specialized objects are returned for the STS
, and
lines, storing the keys shown in each line as attributes:
>>> record.sts[0].acc
>>> record.sts[0].unists
and similarly for the PROTSIM
To parse a file containing more than one UniGene record, use the
function in Bio.UniGene
>>> from Bio import UniGene
>>> input = open("")
>>> records = UniGene.parse(input)
>>> for record in records:
... print(record.ID)
Using a proxy
Normally you won’t have to worry about using a proxy, but if this is an
issue on your network here is how to deal with it. Internally,
uses the standard Python library urllib
for accessing
the NCBI servers. This will check an environment variable called
to configure any simple proxy automatically.
Unfortunately this module does not support the use of proxies which
require authentication.
You may choose to set the http_proxy
environment variable once (how
you do this will depend on your operating system). Alternatively you can
set this within Python at the start of your script, for example:
import os
os.environ["http_proxy"] = ""
See the urllib documentation for more details.
PubMed and Medline
If you are in the medical field or interested in human issues (and many times even if you are not!), PubMed ( is an excellent source of all kinds of goodies. So like other things, we’d like to be able to grab information from it and use it in Python scripts.
In this example, we will query PubMed for all articles having to do with orchids (see section A usage example for our motivation). We first check how many of such articles there are:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.egquery(term="orchid")
>>> record =
>>> for row in record["eGQueryResult"]:
... if row["DbName"] == "pubmed":
... print(row["Count"])
Now we use the Bio.Entrez.efetch
function to download the PubMed IDs
of these 463 articles:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term="orchid", retmax=463)
>>> record =
>>> stream.close()
>>> idlist = record["IdList"]
This returns a Python list containing all of the PubMed IDs of articles related to orchids:
>>> print(idlist)
['18680603', '18665331', '18661158', '18627489', '18627452', '18612381',
'18594007', '18591784', '18589523', '18579475', '18575811', '18575690',
Now that we’ve got them, we obviously want to get the corresponding
Medline records and extract the information from them. Here, we’ll
download the Medline records in the Medline flat-file format, and use
the Bio.Medline
module to parse them:
>>> from Bio import Medline
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id=idlist, rettype="medline", retmode="text")
>>> records = Medline.parse(stream)
NOTE - We’ve just done a separate search and fetch here, the NCBI much prefer you to take advantage of their history support in this situation. See Section Using the history and WebEnv.
Keep in mind that records
is an iterator, so you can iterate through
the records only once. If you want to save the records, you can convert
them to a list:
>>> records = list(records)
Let’s now iterate over the records to print out some information about each record:
>>> for record in records:
... print("title:", record.get("TI", "?"))
... print("authors:", record.get("AU", "?"))
... print("source:", record.get("SO", "?"))
... print("")
The output for this looks like:
title: Sex pheromone mimicry in the early spider orchid (ophrys sphegodes):
patterns of hydrocarbons as the key mechanism for pollination by sexual
deception [In Process Citation]
authors: ['Schiestl FP', 'Ayasse M', 'Paulus HF', 'Lofstedt C', 'Hansson BS',
'Ibarra F', 'Francke W']
source: J Comp Physiol [A] 2000 Jun;186(6):567-74
Especially interesting to note is the list of authors, which is returned as a standard Python list. This makes it easy to manipulate and search using standard Python tools. For instance, we could loop through a whole bunch of entries searching for a particular author with code like the following:
>>> search_author = "Waits T"
>>> for record in records:
... if not "AU" in record:
... continue
... if search_author in record["AU"]:
... print("Author %s found: %s" % (search_author, record["SO"]))
Hopefully this section gave you an idea of the power and flexibility of the Entrez and Medline interfaces and how they can be used together.
Searching, downloading, and parsing Entrez Nucleotide records
Here we’ll show a simple example of performing a remote Entrez query. In section A usage example of the parsing examples, we talked about using NCBI’s Entrez website to search the NCBI nucleotide databases for info on Cypripedioideae, our friends the lady slipper orchids. Now, we’ll look at how to automate that process using a Python script. In this example, we’ll just show how to connect, get the results, and parse them, with the Entrez module doing all of the work.
First, we use EGQuery to find out the number of results we will get before actually downloading them. EGQuery will tell us how many search results were found in each of the databases, but for this example we are only interested in nucleotides:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.egquery(term="Cypripedioideae")
>>> record =
>>> for row in record["eGQueryResult"]:
... if row["DbName"] == "nuccore":
... print(row["Count"])
So, we expect to find 4457 Entrez Nucleotide records (this increased
from 814 records in 2008; it is likely to continue to increase in the
future). If you find some ridiculously high number of hits, you may want
to reconsider if you really want to download all of them, which is our
next step. Let’s use the retmax
argument to restrict the maximum
number of records retrieved to the number available in 2008:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(
... db="nucleotide", term="Cypripedioideae", retmax=814, idtype="acc"
... )
>>> record =
>>> stream.close()
Here, record
is a Python dictionary containing the search results
and some auxiliary information. Just for information, let’s look at what
is stored in this dictionary:
>>> print(record.keys())
['Count', 'RetMax', 'IdList', 'TranslationSet', 'RetStart', 'QueryTranslation']
First, let’s check how many results were found:
>>> print(record["Count"])
You might have expected this to be 814, the maximum number of records we
asked to retrieve. However, Count
represents the total number of
records available for that search, not how many were retrieved. The
retrieved records are stored in record['IdList']
, which should
contain the total number we asked for:
>>> len(record["IdList"])
Let’s look at the first five results:
>>> record["IdList"][:5]
['KX265015.1', 'KX265014.1', 'KX265013.1', 'KX265012.1', 'KX265011.1']
We can download these records using efetch
. While you could download
these records one by one, to reduce the load on NCBI’s servers, it is
better to fetch a bunch of records at the same time, shown below.
However, in this situation you should ideally be using the history
feature described later in Section Using the history and WebEnv.
>>> idlist = ",".join(record["IdList"][:5])
>>> print(idlist)
KX265015.1, KX265014.1, KX265013.1, KX265012.1, KX265011.1]
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=idlist, retmode="xml")
>>> records =
>>> len(records)
Each of these records corresponds to one GenBank record.
>>> print(records[0].keys())
['GBSeq_moltype', 'GBSeq_source', 'GBSeq_sequence',
'GBSeq_primary-accession', 'GBSeq_definition', 'GBSeq_accession-version',
'GBSeq_topology', 'GBSeq_length', 'GBSeq_feature-table',
'GBSeq_create-date', 'GBSeq_other-seqids', 'GBSeq_division',
'GBSeq_taxonomy', 'GBSeq_references', 'GBSeq_update-date',
'GBSeq_organism', 'GBSeq_locus', 'GBSeq_strandedness']
>>> print(records[0]["GBSeq_primary-accession"])
>>> print(records[0]["GBSeq_other-seqids"])
['gb|DQ110336.1|', 'gi|187237168']
>>> print(records[0]["GBSeq_definition"])
Cypripedium calceolus voucher Davis 03-03 A maturase (matR) gene, partial cds;
>>> print(records[0]["GBSeq_organism"])
Cypripedium calceolus
You could use this to quickly set up searches – but for heavy usage, see Section Using the history and WebEnv.
Searching, downloading, and parsing GenBank records
The GenBank record format is a very popular method of holding information about sequences, sequence features, and other associated sequence information. The format is a good way to get information from the NCBI databases at
In this example we’ll show how to query the NCBI databases,to retrieve
the records from the query, and then parse them using Bio.SeqIO
something touched on in
Section Parsing GenBank records from the net. For
simplicity, this example does not take advantage of the WebEnv history
feature – see Section Using the history and WebEnv for this.
First, we want to make a query and find out the ids of the records to retrieve. Here we’ll do a quick search for one of our favorite organisms, Opuntia (prickly-pear cacti). We can do quick search and get back the GIs (GenBank identifiers) for all of the corresponding records. First we check how many records there are:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.egquery(term="Opuntia AND rpl16")
>>> record =
>>> for row in record["eGQueryResult"]:
... if row["DbName"] == "nuccore":
... print(row["Count"])
Now we download the list of GenBank identifiers:
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="nuccore", term="Opuntia AND rpl16")
>>> record =
>>> gi_list = record["IdList"]
>>> gi_list
['57240072', '57240071', '6273287', '6273291', '6273290', '6273289', '6273286',
'6273285', '6273284']
Now we use these GIs to download the GenBank records - note that with older versions of Biopython you had to supply a comma separated list of GI numbers to Entrez, as of Biopython 1.59 you can pass a list and this is converted for you:
>>> gi_str = ",".join(gi_list)
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nuccore", id=gi_str, rettype="gb", retmode="text")
If you want to look at the raw GenBank files, you can read from this stream and print out the result:
>>> text =
>>> print(text)
LOCUS AY851612 892 bp DNA linear PLN 10-APR-2007
DEFINITION Opuntia subulata rpl16 gene, intron; chloroplast.
VERSION AY851612.1 GI:57240072
SOURCE chloroplast Austrocylindropuntia subulata
ORGANISM Austrocylindropuntia subulata
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; eudicotyledons; core eudicotyledons;
Caryophyllales; Cactaceae; Opuntioideae; Austrocylindropuntia.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 892)
AUTHORS Butterworth,C.A. and Wallace,R.S.
In this case, we are just getting the raw records. To get the records in
a more Python-friendly form, we can use Bio.SeqIO
to parse the
GenBank data into SeqRecord
objects, including SeqFeature
objects (see Chapter Sequence Input/Output):
>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="nuccore", id=gi_str, rettype="gb", retmode="text")
>>> records = SeqIO.parse(stream, "gb")
We can now step through the records and look at the information we are interested in:
>>> for record in records:
... print(f"{}, length {len(record)}, with {len(record.features)} features")
AY851612, length 892, with 3 features
AY851611, length 881, with 3 features
AF191661, length 895, with 3 features
AF191665, length 902, with 3 features
AF191664, length 899, with 3 features
AF191663, length 899, with 3 features
AF191660, length 893, with 3 features
AF191659, length 894, with 3 features
AF191658, length 896, with 3 features
Using these automated query retrieval functionality is a big plus over doing things by hand. Although the module should obey the NCBI’s max three queries per second rule, the NCBI have other recommendations like avoiding peak hours. See Section Entrez Guidelines. In particular, please note that for simplicity, this example does not use the WebEnv history feature. You should use this for any non-trivial search and download work, see Section Using the history and WebEnv.
Finally, if plan to repeat your analysis, rather than downloading the files from the NCBI and parsing them immediately (as shown in this example), you should just download the records once and save them to your hard disk, and then parse the local file.
Finding the lineage of an organism
Staying with a plant example, let’s now find the lineage of the Cypripedioideae orchid family. First, we search the Taxonomy database for Cypripedioideae, which yields exactly one NCBI taxonomy identifier:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(db="Taxonomy", term="Cypripedioideae")
>>> record =
>>> record["IdList"]
>>> record["IdList"][0]
Now, we use efetch
to download this entry in the Taxonomy database,
and then parse it:
>>> stream = Entrez.efetch(db="Taxonomy", id="158330", retmode="xml")
>>> records =
Again, this record stores lots of information:
>>> records[0].keys()
['Lineage', 'Division', 'ParentTaxId', 'PubDate', 'LineageEx',
'CreateDate', 'TaxId', 'Rank', 'GeneticCode', 'ScientificName',
'MitoGeneticCode', 'UpdateDate']
We can get the lineage directly from this record:
>>> records[0]["Lineage"]
'cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina;
Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida;
Liliopsida; Asparagales; Orchidaceae'
The record data contains much more than just the information shown here
- for example look under "LineageEx"
instead of "Lineage"
you’ll get the NCBI taxon identifiers of the lineage entries too.
Using the history and WebEnv
Often you will want to make a series of linked queries. Most typically, running a search, perhaps refining the search, and then retrieving detailed search results. You can do this by making a series of separate calls to Entrez. However, the NCBI prefer you to take advantage of their history support - for example combining ESearch and EFetch.
Another typical use of the history support would be to combine EPost and EFetch. You use EPost to upload a list of identifiers, which starts a new history session. You then download the records with EFetch by referring to the session (instead of the identifiers).
Searching for and downloading sequences using the history
Suppose we want to search and download all the Opuntia rpl16
nucleotide sequences, and store them in a FASTA file. As shown in
Section Searching, downloading, and parsing GenBank records, we can naively
combine Bio.Entrez.esearch()
to get a list of Accession numbers, and
then call Bio.Entrez.efetch()
to download them all.
However, the approved approach is to run the search with the history feature. Then, we can fetch the results by reference to the search results - which the NCBI can anticipate and cache.
To do this, call Bio.Entrez.esearch()
as normal, but with the
additional argument of usehistory="y"
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> stream = Entrez.esearch(
... db="nucleotide", term="Opuntia[orgn] and rpl16", usehistory="y", idtype="acc"
... )
>>> search_results =
>>> stream.close()
As before (see Section Searching, downloading, and parsing Entrez Nucleotide records), the
XML output includes the first retmax
search results, with retmax
defaulting to 20:
>>> acc_list = search_results["IdList"]
>>> count = int(search_results["Count"])
>>> len(acc_list)
>>> count
You also get given two additional pieces of information, the WebEnv
session cookie, and the QueryKey
>>> webenv = search_results["WebEnv"]
>>> query_key = search_results["QueryKey"]
Having stored these values in variables session_cookie
we can use them as parameters to Bio.Entrez.efetch()
instead of giving the GI numbers as identifiers.
While for small searches you might be OK downloading everything at once,
it is better to download in batches. You use the retstart
parameters to specify which range of search results you want
returned (starting entry using zero-based counting, and maximum number
of results to return). Note that if Biopython encounters a transient
failure like a HTTP 500 response when communicating with NCBI, it will
automatically try again a couple of times. For example,
# This assumes you have already run a search as shown above,
# and set the variables count, webenv, query_key
batch_size = 3
output = open("orchid_rpl16.fasta", "w")
for start in range(0, count, batch_size):
end = min(count, start + batch_size)
print("Going to download record %i to %i" % (start + 1, end))
stream = Entrez.efetch(
data =
For illustrative purposes, this example downloaded the FASTA records in batches of three. Unless you are downloading genomes or chromosomes, you would normally pick a larger batch size.
Searching for and downloading abstracts using the history
Here is another history example, searching for papers published in the last year about the Opuntia, and then downloading them into a file in MedLine format:
from Bio import Entrez = ""
search_results =
db="pubmed", term="Opuntia[ORGN]", reldate=365, datetype="pdat", usehistory="y"
count = int(search_results["Count"])
print("Found %i results" % count)
batch_size = 10
output = open("recent_orchid_papers.txt", "w")
for start in range(0, count, batch_size):
end = min(count, start + batch_size)
print("Going to download record %i to %i" % (start + 1, end))
stream = Entrez.efetch(
data =
At the time of writing, this gave 28 matches - but because this is a
date dependent search, this will of course vary. As described in
Section Parsing Medline records above, you can then use
to parse the saved records.
Searching for citations
Back in Section ELink: Searching for related items in NCBI Entrez we mentioned ELink can be used to search for citations of a given paper. Unfortunately this only covers journals indexed for PubMed Central (doing it for all the journals in PubMed would mean a lot more work for the NIH). Let’s try this for the Biopython PDB parser paper, PubMed ID 14630660:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = "" # Always tell NCBI who you are
>>> pmid = "14630660"
>>> results =
... Entrez.elink(dbfrom="pubmed", db="pmc", LinkName="pubmed_pmc_refs", id=pmid)
... )
>>> pmc_ids = [link["Id"] for link in results[0]["LinkSetDb"][0]["Link"]]
>>> pmc_ids
['2744707', '2705363', '2682512', ..., '1190160']
Great - eleven articles. But why hasn’t the Biopython application note been found (PubMed ID 19304878)? Well, as you might have guessed from the variable names, there are not actually PubMed IDs, but PubMed Central IDs. Our application note is the third citing paper in that list, PMCID 2682512.
So, what if (like me) you’d rather get back a list of PubMed IDs? Well we can call ELink again to translate them. This becomes a two step process, so by now you should expect to use the history feature to accomplish it (Section Using the history and WebEnv).
But first, taking the more straightforward approach of making a second (separate) call to ELink:
>>> results2 =
... Entrez.elink(dbfrom="pmc", db="pubmed", LinkName="pmc_pubmed", id=",".join(pmc_ids))
... )
>>> pubmed_ids = [link["Id"] for link in results2[0]["LinkSetDb"][0]["Link"]]
>>> pubmed_ids
['19698094', '19450287', '19304878', ..., '15985178']
This time you can immediately spot the Biopython application note as the third hit (PubMed ID 19304878).
Now, let’s do that all again but with the history … TODO.
And finally, don’t forget to include your own email address in the Entrez calls.