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How to build a release for Biopython.

Build Biopython with many small steps!!

Setup required for a new release manager

The instructions below require that you have access to a few servers and the code repository. When you start, be sure to have write access to:

  1. OBF WordPress Blog
  2. Biopython on PyPI
  3. These repositories (e.g. via membership of the Releases team, or have someone ready to merge pull requests):

If you don’t have any of the above, please ask.

We assume you have cloned these under ~/repositories/ and that the git origin is the official Biopython copy of the repository.

We assume you are running Linux (but macOS should be fine too), and have the following tools installed (plus as many of the Biopython optional dependencies as possible for local testing):

  1. Python 3
  2. git
  3. twine, installed with pip install twine
  4. LaTeX, including assorted packages like comments and preprint.
  5. hevea, I am currently using version 2.32 of 2012-07-04

Final commit(s)

  1. Using git make sure I have the latest code:

    $ cd ~/repositories/biopython
    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull origin master
  2. make sure the README.rst file is still up to date

  3. add any important info to NEWS.rst or DEPRECATED.rst - you can get a log of recent git changes like this (adjust the date accordingly):

    $ git log --since="2020/05/25" --reverse --pretty="medium"
  4. make sure CONTRIB.rst still current

  5. make sure setup.py and MANIFEST.in are still up to date

    • Are there any new modules/files which should get installed?
  6. bump version numbers and set the release data:

    • Biopython version - edit Bio/__init__.py
    • Biopython NEWS.rst - fill in the release date
    • Make sure to commit the modified files to github, e.g.
    $ git commit Bio/__init__.py NEWS.rst -m "Call this Biopython 1.78"
  7. do a final check to make sure things are checked in:

    $ rm -r build
    $ rm Tests/*.pyc
    $ make clean -C Doc
    $ git status
  8. build Biopython and run a final regression test:

    drevil:~biopython> python setup.py build
    drevil:~biopython> python setup.py test

    Running the tests simultaneously (e.g. with different versions of Python) is risky as two threads may both try to read/write to the same temp files.

  9. Push this to gitub, all being well this commit will be tagged as the release (barring no problems uncovered while building the documentation, or with the manifest while testing the tar-ball):

   $ git push origin master

Making and testing the tar-ball

  1. check out a clean version somewhere else:

    drevil:~tmp1/> git clone https://github.com/biopython/biopython.git
    drevil:~tmp1/> cd biopython
  2. make the documentation PDF in Doc (we have automated an HTML version online; will need latexmk etc installed):

    drevil:~tmp1/biopython/> pip install -r .circleci/requirements-sphinx.txt
    drevil:~tmp1/biopython/> make -C Doc latexpdf
    drevil:~tmp1/biopython/> cp Doc/_build/latex/Biopython_doc.pdf Doc/
    drevil:~tmp1/biopython/> make clean -C Doc
  3. make the source distribution

    drevil:~tmp1/biopython> python setup.py sdist --formats=gztar,zip
  4. untar the file somewhere else

    drevil:~tmp1/biopython/> cd ..
    drevil:~tmp1/> tar -xzvf biopython/dist/biopython-1.78.tar.gz
    drevil:~tmp1/> cd biopython-1.78

    Check to make sure it includes the documentation PDF file under Doc

  5. make sure I can build (won’t install and use this) and test it (using the tar-ball test files):

    drevil:~tmp1/biopython-1.78/> python -m pip install .  --prefix /tmp/test-install
    drevil:~tmp1/biopython-1.78/> cd Tests && python run_tests.py

    A typical source of failure here (on the tests) is the lack of example files being added to the source distribution: add them to MANIFEST.in

Checking the compiled documentation

  1. Since Biopython 1.74, Sphinx has handled the API documentation via continuous integration, but you still have to update the “latest” symlink.

    $ cd ~/repositories/docs/
    $ git fetch origin
    $ git checkout gh-pages  # should only be this one branch
    $ git rebase origin/gh-pages  # get any changes
    $ rm latest
    $ ln -s 1.78 latest
    $ git commit latest -m "Update 'latest' symlink to point at 1.78"
    $ git push origin gh-pages

Making wheels

  1. Now we use https://github.com/biopython/biopython-wheels to build wheels, by updating the git checkout line in .github/workflows/cibuildwheel.yml to the new release’s commit hash (which all being well will get a git tag).

    $ cd ~/repositories
    $ git clone git@github.com:biopython/biopython-wheels.git
    $ cd biopython-wheels/
    $ git submodule update --init
    $ emacs .github/workflows/cibuildwheel.yml  # update git checkout line
    $ git commit .github/workflows/cibuildwheel.yml -m "Build Biopython 1.xx"
    $ git push origin master

    Check the wheels build on the GitHub Actions runs.

    You don’t seem to need to update the biopython git submodule, but if you need to this seems to work.

    $ git submodule foreach git pull origin master
    $ git commit -a -m "Update submodules"
    $ git push origin master
  2. Successful wheels will in an artifact.zip file available in the footer of the run via GitHub Actions runs. Download this and unzip to your ~/repository/biopython/DIST/ folder. We will upload these to PyPI later using Twine.

  3. If you have a Windows machine, remove any prior Biopython installations, and confirm the Windows wheel file(s) work.

Tagging the release, and uploading

  1. Back in the main repository, tag the release:

    $ cd  .../tmp1/biopython/
    $ git tag biopython-178
    $ git push origin master --tags
  2. Upload the new release tar-ball and zip to the website via GitHub Pages DIST repository.

    $ cp dist/biopython-1.78.* ~/repositories/DIST/
    $ cd ~/repositories/DIST/
    $ git add biopython-1.78.*
    $ git commit biopython-1.78.* -m "Downloads for Biopython 1.78"
    $ shasum -a 256 biopython-1.78.*
    $ md5sum biopython-1.78.*
    $ git commit --amend # paste checksums into comment
    $ git push origin gh-pages
  3. Upload to the python package index (except for beta/alpha level releases):

    $ cd  ~/repositories/biopython/
    $ pip install twine
    $ twine upload dist/biopython-1.78.tar.gz
    $ twine upload dist/biopython-1.78-*.whl
  4. Update the website:

    • If you haven’t already, clone the biopython.github.io repository, (otherwise make sure your copy is up to date):
    $ cd ~/repositories
    $ git clone git@github.com:biopython/biopython.github.io.git
    $ cd ~/repositories/biopython.github.io
    $ emacs _config.yml
    $ emacs wiki/Biopython.md
    $ emacs wiki/Download.md
    $ git commit _config.yml wiki/Biopython.md wiki/Download.md -m "Biopython 1.78 released"
    • before you announce the release, be sure to send your announcement text to the Biopython mailing list for proof-reading/final corrections.
    • Make sure the download links work.
  5. Announcement:

    • post the announcement on the www.open-bio.org blog (making sure to use the Biopython category which will update the news page via the news feed)
    • send an email to biopython-announce@biopython.org (see mailing lists)
    • forward the email to Linux packagers e.g. debian-med@lists.debian.org
  6. Conda-Forge should automatically open a pull request to update the package once it appears on PyPI. Check for a new pull request on github.com/conda-forge/biopython-feedstock which once merged will upload the new release to anaconda.org/conda-forge/biopython

Post release version bump

  1. Bump version numbers again

    • Update Bio/__init__.py version
    • Start entry in NEWS.rst for next version
    • Make sure to commit the modified files to github.

    Include the suffix .dev0 to indicate this is a development version e.g. if you had __version__ = "1.78", make it 1.79.dev0