Bio.PDB.Entity module

Base class for Residue, Chain, Model and Structure classes.

It is a simple container class, with list and dictionary like properties.

class Bio.PDB.Entity.Entity(id)

Bases: Generic[_Parent, _Child]

Basic container object for PDB hierarchy.

Structure, Model, Chain and Residue are subclasses of Entity. It deals with storage and lookup.

level: str

Initialize the class.

parent: _Parent | None
child_list: list[_Child]
child_dict: dict[Any, _Child]

Return the number of children.


Return the child with given id.


Remove a child.


Check if there is a child element with the given id.


Iterate over children.


Test for equality. This compares full_id including the IDs of all parents.


Test for inequality.


Test greater than.


Test greater or equal.


Test less than.


Test less or equal.


Hash method to allow uniqueness (set).

property id

Return identifier.

strictly_equals(other: _Self, compare_coordinates: bool = False) bool

Compare this entity to the other entity for equality.

Recursively compare the children of this entity to the other entity’s children. Compare most properties including names and IDs.

  • other (Entity) – The entity to compare this entity with

  • compare_coordinates (bool) – Whether to compare atomic coordinates


Whether the two entities are strictly equal

Return type:



Return level in hierarchy.

A - atom R - residue C - chain M - model S - structure

set_parent(entity: _Parent)

Set the parent Entity object.


Detach the parent.


Remove a child.

add(entity: _Child)

Add a child to the Entity.

insert(pos: int, entity: _Child)

Add a child to the Entity at a specified position.


Return iterator over children.


Return a copy of the list of children.


Check if a child with given id exists.


Return the parent Entity object.


Return the id.


Return the full id.

The full id is a tuple containing all id’s starting from the top object (Structure) down to the current object. A full id for a Residue object e.g. is something like:

(“1abc”, 0, “A”, (” “, 10, “A”))

This corresponds to:

Structure with id “1abc” Model with id 0 Chain with id “A” Residue with id (” “, 10, “A”)

The Residue id indicates that the residue is not a hetero-residue (or a water) because it has a blank hetero field, that its sequence identifier is 10 and its insertion code “A”.

transform(rot, tran)

Apply rotation and translation to the atomic coordinates.

  • rot (3x3 NumPy array) – A right multiplying rotation matrix

  • tran (size 3 NumPy array) – the translation vector


This is an incomplete but illustrative example:

from numpy import pi, array
from Bio.PDB.vectors import Vector, rotmat
rotation = rotmat(pi, Vector(1, 0, 0))
translation = array((0, 0, 1), 'f')
entity.transform(rotation, translation)

Return the center of mass of the Entity as a numpy array.

If geometric is True, returns the center of geometry instead.


Copy entity recursively.

__annotations__ = {'child_dict': dict[typing.Any, ~_Child], 'child_list': list[~_Child], 'level': <class 'str'>, 'parent': typing.Optional[~_Parent]}
__orig_bases__ = (typing.Generic[~_Parent, ~_Child],)
__parameters__ = (~_Parent, ~_Child)
class Bio.PDB.Entity.DisorderedEntityWrapper(id)

Bases: object

Wrapper class to group equivalent Entities.

This class is a simple wrapper class that groups a number of equivalent Entities and forwards all method calls to one of them (the currently selected object). DisorderedResidue and DisorderedAtom are subclasses of this class.

E.g.: A DisorderedAtom object contains a number of Atom objects, where each Atom object represents a specific position of a disordered atom in the structure.


Initialize the class.


Forward the method call to the selected child.


Return the child with the given id.

__setitem__(id, child)

Add a child, associated with a certain id.


Check if the child has the given id.


Return the number of children.


Return the number of children.


Subtraction with another object.


Return if child is greater than other.


Return if child is greater or equal than other.


Return if child is less than other.


Return if child is less or equal than other.


Copy disorderd entity recursively.


Return the id.

strictly_equals(other: DisorderedEntityWrapper, compare_coordinates: bool = False) bool

Compare this entity to the other entity using a strict definition of equality.

Recursively compare the children of this entity to the other entity’s children. Compare most properties including the selected child, names, and IDs.

  • other (DisorderedEntityWrapper) – The entity to compare this entity with

  • compare_coordinates (bool) – Whether to compare atomic coordinates


Whether the two entities are strictly equal

Return type:



Check if there is an object present associated with this id.


Detach the parent.


Return parent.


Set the parent for the object and its children.


Select the object with given id as the currently active object.

Uncaught method calls are forwarded to the selected child object.


Add disordered entry.

This is implemented by DisorderedAtom and DisorderedResidue.


Remove disordered entry.

This is implemented by DisorderedAtom and DisorderedResidue.


Return 2, indicating that this Entity is a collection of Entities.


Return a list of id’s.


Get the child object associated with id.

If id is None, the currently selected child is returned.


Return list of children.