Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth module
Calculation of residue depth using command line tool MSMS.
This module uses Michel Sanner’s MSMS program for the surface calculation. See:
Residue depth is the average distance of the atoms of a residue from the solvent accessible surface.
Residue Depth:
from Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth import ResidueDepth
from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
parser = PDBParser()
structure = parser.get_structure("1a8o", "Tests/PDB/1A8O.pdb")
model = structure[0]
rd = ResidueDepth(model)
print(rd['A',(' ', 152, ' ')])
Direct MSMS interface, typical use:
from Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth import get_surface
surface = get_surface(model)
The surface is a NumPy array with all the surface vertices.
Distance to surface:
from Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth import min_dist
coord = (1.113, 35.393, 9.268)
dist = min_dist(coord, surface)
where coord is the coord of an atom within the volume bound by the surface (ie. atom depth).
To calculate the residue depth (average atom depth of the atoms in a residue):
from Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth import residue_depth
chain = model['A']
res152 = chain[152]
rd = residue_depth(res152, surface)
- Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth.get_surface(model, MSMS='msms')
Represent molecular surface as a vertex list array.
Return a NumPy array that represents the vertex list of the molecular surface.
- Arguments:
model - BioPython PDB model object (used to get atoms for input model)
MSMS - msms executable (used as argument to
- Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth.min_dist(coord, surface)
Return minimum distance between coord and surface.
- Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth.residue_depth(residue, surface)
Residue depth as average depth of all its atoms.
Return average distance to surface for all atoms in a residue, ie. the residue depth.
- Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth.ca_depth(residue, surface)
Return CA depth.
- class Bio.PDB.ResidueDepth.ResidueDepth(model, msms_exec=None)
Calculate residue and CA depth for all residues.
- __init__(model, msms_exec=None)
Initialize the class.
- __annotations__ = {}