Bio.PDB.PSEA module¶
Wrappers for PSEA, a program for secondary structure assignment.
See this citation for P-SEA, PMID: 9183534
Labesse G, Colloc’h N, Pothier J, Mornon J-P: P-SEA: a new efficient assignment of secondary structure from C_alpha. Comput Appl Biosci 1997 , 13:291-295
- Bio.PDB.PSEA.run_psea(fname)¶
Run PSEA and return output filename.
Note that this assumes the P-SEA binary is called “psea” and that it is on the path.
Note that P-SEA will write an output file in the current directory using the input filename with extension “.sea”.
Note that P-SEA will write output to the terminal while run.
- Bio.PDB.PSEA.psea(pname)¶
Parse PSEA output file.
- Bio.PDB.PSEA.psea2HEC(pseq)¶
Translate PSEA secondary structure string into HEC.
- Bio.PDB.PSEA.annotate(m, ss_seq)¶
Apply secondary structure information to residues in model.